Qanto Fleet
Qanto Fleet has been developed to help companies and fleet managers make fleet operation less difficult. We've made sure that as many tasks as possible are handled automatically, and that you have the best possible basis to minimise your fleet costs.
Goodbye to random checks, wrong invoicing and missed deadlines
When developing Qanto Fleet, we focused on automation of as many processes as possible, to save you as much time as possible.
We make sure that most of your vehicle data are automatically updated, even if your fleet manager has a day off. Qanto Fleet also notifies you of deadlines and tasks needing your attention – for instance statutory inspections (MOT), end of leasing period, limits for maximum allowed km, etc.
We have also digitalised the review of your invoices to make sure that you never pay for more than agreed with your suppliers.

Developed with fleet owners for fleet owners
Qanto Fleet has been developed in co-operation with the users for whom it is intended. This means that several of the largest (and smallest!) fleet owners in Denmark have been involved from the very beginning, so that we could be sure that our development meets the requirements and needs of fleet operations and management.

Would you like to know more about Qanto Fleet?
Reach out to us or visit our homepage.